Friday, September 19, 2008

On the Road, Install #1

Scotty hits the road!!

Freedom on the open road, the bars of modern reality. I gripped the steering wheel with tight-clenched palms, because the road in front of me was foreign. San Diego drifted far behind me, not visible, even through the obscured view my packed trunk provided. My aim was Las Vegas to a friend’s house, where I would rest one night and continue on my travels.
I hadn’t climbed for three weeks, while not on the rock; long distance running and surfing had been a ritual of mine.
“I hadn’t driven by myself for five hours for a long time” I reminded myself.
The trip to Las Vegas seemed some sort of natural psychedelic experience. “This is a turning point in my life,” as my mind wandered in retrospect. Alone that day, I tried to forgive myself for some of the things I have done in the past. For years that seemed deterred I replace with positivism. For others I may have harmed, I would have to forgive and thank them for their patience. My jealousy, yearning, and gluttony to may have lead in another path, had to be surrendered.
Apple Valley had an interesting notion, “when you drive with posture, your energy is better.” I slumped. and returned to posture, slumped and returned. “Ha” that’s funny how that is.
I was getting hungry so in Baker I ate some left over rice, Nan, and Vegetable Curry. Baker was desolate. Under a king of Egyptian desert skies, the skies rotated endlessly with toxic beauty. But, the only animals that walked the city were undernourished rats that sipped high fructose corn syrup on nomadic ventures between Saudi Arabian drive thru liquor stores.
The day before the trip, I ran 20 miles continuously in four hours in ten minutes. The run was the farthest I had ever done. I think my body responded harshly nearing Clark Mountain. Engulfed by Flu like symptoms: Chills, Nausea, and a headache, I told myself:
“I’m getting sick…Great!” I cursed.
Just the time to be getting sick, right at the beginning of a four month road trip. I rolled into Vegas delusional. The bright lights and the mixed thoughts that ran through my head were nothing less than distracting. I pulled up in front of the house, and my phone rang immediately,
“Where are you?” Chris questioned me.
“I’m out front dude, I’ll be there in a second."
I got the news that the some of the Big Up posse was going to inhabit my sleeping spot.
“Sweet” I thought to myself, “looks like this trip is starting off great.”
Stepping onto the outside patio Chris showed me my sleeping area. I grabbed my Sir Lands A lot crash pad and lay down.
I was running a pretty bad fever so I grabbed frozen Bananas from the fridge and a jug of water from the car. I got sleep, then woke, sleep, then woke. I chugged almost a whole gallon that night, and it turned out to be the trick. I woke in the morning feeling like I didn’t sleep enough, but the groggy state I slumped in the house with, was gone.
The next morning I sipped coffee with Brett Lowell, Chris Sharma, Dahlia, and a charming suspect named Cooper. My schoolwork was at my fingertips, while my hands urged to be on the wheel driving to Rifle.
I entered my car around 2 p.m. and started venturing to Colorado. I aimed for Grand Junction considering I could sleep there, wake, and do some homework before meeting with Eduardo Baca, my partner, and El Prechero Chico native.
The sleep there was peaceful, for I was now in uncharted land. My first breakfast on the road was pleasant and while the sky cried I watched time fly by, fully realizing how lucky I really am.
I met my partner Eduardo and his friend Scott in town around three at Rifle Community Library. I worked on homework till the library closed, and took a quick run to de-stress from the homework load. I then jumped In the Colorado River, changed my clothes and ventured back to my car to cook a Vegetarian Cuisine.
The sky the next morning had been kissed by the moon as she skipped away to make room for the sun. The skies were gorgeous and I had now decided to go check out Rifle State Park.
The leaves here are taking on beautiful colors. Fall is starting and the temperatures are perfect. The climbing in Rifle is like your typical limestone, just a lot of it in a very small concentration. Rifle has styles from technical vertical faces, to steep overhanging jug hauls.
Ethan Pringle and Scott Cory just rolled into town, and we scoped this area called the Fortress. East Coast Ballers Joe Kinder, his girlfriend Colette, and Dave Graham are also out here having fun and sending all the hard routes. Joe is really close to sending Kryptonite(14c) up at the Fortress. I have enjoyed climbing with my friends at this cool, not so well traveled cliff. I would definitely like to spend more time up at the Fortress sometime later in the season.
As for myself, school is occupying all my rest days! I am taking 2 online correspondence courses: One course is Nutrition and the second learning how to build a website using XHTML code. It’s really amazing I produced this blog update, because all my rest days I am swamped with school work. I told myself before the trip that school would come first. Climbing has slowly crept up again, and I know find myself sacrificing homework days for climbing days more often than vice versa.
Going Solo my dreams have never been in such vivid color. Driving from Rifle to town in the morning, I’ve never felt so refreshed, knowing that climbing and the beauty of my surrounding is providing a comforting home for a temporary time. The beauty of traveling is so amazing; I really don’t see myself getting home anytime soon. Until then, I have a test to study for!

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