My long summer has come to an end and I have moved on to new climbing, in a new state, at a new school! After graduating from high school in early June, I was absolutely ready for an adventurous and unpredictable summer.
In the beginning, I mostly decompressed from school by relaxing in the sun, attending music festivals and concerts, skydiving and, of course, climbing with the Boise crew! Most weekends we found ourselves sweating on the boulders at Reynolds Creek or City of Rocks.
Also this summer I had the opportunity of working at the Asana warehouse where I filled chalk bags, cut out fabric, and earned enough m&ms to pay for travel and more climbing trips! For most of July I was in Nepal with my mom and sister, trekking through the SoluKhumbu region of the Himalayas below Mt Everest. I reached a new personal altitude record when we hiked up Kala Patthar at 18,162 feet.

I represented Asana at the Outdoor Retailer Show in SLC in August where I was able to meet many inspirational climbers, reunite with old friends and work on my autographed poster collection! I continued climbing with friends, working, and preparing for college life at Cal Poly!
Now, I am officially a Cal Poly Mustang and when I'm not in class you can find me climbing at the Slo-Op gym, slacklining in the park, napping on the beach , or in my dorm room trying to study amidst a mess of crash pads, kiteboards, guitars and music posters. Hopefully I will still have enough time to explore the crags on the Central Coast and go to the beach once the quarter really starts getting hard! If you're ever in California looking for someone to climb with just let me know, I'm always looking for new climbing partners! Have fun out there and climb hard!

- Katie Lovelace