Coming to the end of 2010
So I have never written a blog before about a whole year in review, but I decided that it was time to take a look back at the wonderful year of 2010.
The year started off with ABS Regionals in California, I had a crazy time as usual with everyone there, I’m so glad to be a part of the California group!
After California I stepped up and started training as hard as ever for ABS Nationals! Despite crazy weather delays and three cancelled flights, I ended up flying into Raleigh and driving to D.C. for the competition. And let me say that Virginia was freezing! But aside from that it was another great competition that I had a lot of fun with my friends at, and it qualified me for the World Cup!
After ABS Nationals, I did not compete in any major competitions until June when I was fortunate enough to compete at the World Cup. The World Cup was really an eye opening experience for me, I have never seen so many extremely talented climbers in one place.
At the World Cup every climber seemed like they had a chance of winning! I’m still amazed at how good of a climber everyone was, it was really an eye opener for me. The World Cup also gave me dozens of memories I will never forget, whether it was hanging out with the team or running around Vail on an adventure.
The World Cup signified my start of summer, and I spent the next few months relaxing and enjoying not being in school, while also training for my next competition at the trade show.
Unfortunately for me, the trade show signifies the end of my summer and the beginning of school. Still though, I think it is the best way possible to end summer! There is nothing like going back to school and being able to share the amazing stories of the trade show.
The show was crazy as usual, and despite not making it to finals, I had a great trip still! It seems as if each competition just further encourages me to push myself, regardless of how I place.
The trade show was my major competition this year. I competed at one local competition in Arizona for the bouldering season. I also competed at a competition on a Thursday night in Tucson, which extremely fun! I love being able to go to competitions in the middle of the week, it makes school more exciting for me!
Now I’m spending the remaining two weeks or so of my year relaxing, sleeping in, and being so glad that I’m done with school for two weeks!
2011 will be fun, I can’t wait to see all the opportunities the new year brings!