Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Asana Welcomes Rick Reuter to the Team

Asana is stoked to welcome our newest climber to the team, Rick Reuter.

He has only been climbing for 2 years and is already killing it in local comps and in the boulder field!
Age- 25
Years climbed- A little over 2 years
Best climbing experience- Spring Break 2009. A group of about five of us set out for a seven day trip to Ibex UT. That trip ended up turning into a three day Ibex session before the weather took a turn for the worse, at which point we headed to and finished our spring break in Bishop CA. Despite the poor weather, the exposure to the different types of bouldering (quartzite and highball granite) make this particular trip the most memorable.Favorite style- Crimpy, shouldery lie-back moves.
Favorite climbing quote- "Don't pay attention to the grade, if it looks fun then work it and send it." Advice given to me when I started climbing.
Favorite Climbing Snack- PB & J Sandwiches... Fast, easy, delicious.
Movies- I love those quirky, make the audience uncomfortable movies... I Heart Huckabees, Life Aquatic, and Amelie for example.
Music- Just about anything, although I do love to climb to chill acoustic music. Artists like Margot and the Nuclear So and So's and Rock Votolato.
Anything else people need to know about you- Basically I just love to climb and am stoked to be apart of this team. Anything else well... let's go climb and we can get to know each other.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So proud of you brotha!!! Im way stoked for you!!!