I arrived in Europe about 3 weeks ago now and had a little rough start to the trip when I hurt my shoulder a little in the gym the day after I got off the plane. I thought it was going to be bad, but 2 weeks later I was ready to hit the rock, FINALLY!
I'm now in Switzerland. The first few days Chris and I went to Magic Wood. It was a little sad the forest was all wet, But he still showed me everything and I fell in love in with it. After looking around for a while we found 2 dry boulders, Never Ending Story part 2 (V11) And Massive Attack (v11/v12). NES part 2 was my very first boulder problem in Magic Wood… I was surprised that I got up in so quick. I fell on the first move a bit and the time I finally stuck the first move I sent! Then to the left I saw Massive Attack and got up that in a few tries. even though 95% of the forest was wet and mucky I was able to leave the forest feeling accomplished. What a great feeling to be here!
Next day...
I now sent Never Ending Story Part 1 (V12) ….. Yeah! So psyched. Only took a few goes! Now I'm super psyched to do the link since both parts have gone! Never Ending Story here I come!!!
But first off to Cresiano for a few days to let the forest dry out. then back to Magic Wood!
The next day I made did 2 more V11's, Octopussy and Free For All. They both went down really quick as well. Free For All in 3 tries and Octopussy took a few more. Again they were the only things we found dry in the forest. Cant wait for all of it to dry up!
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